Quantis Dynamic Equity


Quantitative long/short fund with exposure to S&P 500 companies with strong momentum


General information

Quantis Dynamic Equity is a quantitative long/short mutual fund with exposure to S&P 500 companies with strong momentum; it was launched on March 23rd, 2015, but it was previously managed as a Cayman fund since October 2011.

The fund combines mainly a long/short strategy using an in-house seasonality indicator and a long-only strategy investing in strong momentum stocks of the S&P 500. In addition, several CTA-type short-term strategies are implemented in order to provide a return that is not correlated with the S&P 500.

Specifics on the fund

Quantis Dynamic Equity is a UCITS Luxembourg mutual fund (Global Managers Platform – Quantis Dynamic Equity) authorized for distribution to qualified investors with a weekly NAV in USD and CHF:
  • USD: ISIN LU1196382912
  • CHF: ISIN LU1196383993
The NAV of the fund, the prospectus and all official publications are available on the website of Altum Management Company (Luxembourg) SA.

“I am managing a dynamic portfolio of strong momentum stocks complemented with strategies that provide uncorrelated returns.”

— Christian Polloni

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