Rare Earth Elements Fund


Long-only fund in the Critical Raw Materials industry


General information

The Rare Earth Elements Fund, launched in 2010, holds a diversified portfolio of listed companies active in mining, refining-processing, manufacturing and trading of critical raw materials. Critical Raw Materials are enablers for key technologies like e-mobility, storage, hydrogen and renewable energies.


The Rare Earth Elements Fund is a contractual investment fund under Swiss law, falling under the “other traditional investment funds” category with a weekly NAV in CHF. CHF: ISIN CH0111943673 The NAV of the fund, the prospectus and all official publications are available on the website of Caceis (Switzerland).
“Critical Raw Materials are the vitamins for e-mobility, high-tech, renewables and energy storage! We approach this theme by investing along the entire value chain, including companies from the mining, processing-refining, manufacturing and trading industry. Since the launch of the REE-Fund in 2010, the outlook has rarely looked better than today.” — Urs Gmür

Why invest in Critical Raw Materials

  • High growth rates at least through 2035
  • No substitution thanks to their unique chemical and physical properties
  • Fragmented market – under researched and under invested

Investment Universe

  • Listed companies worldwide
  • Covering the entire value-chain


  • Actively managed
  • Qualitative and quantitative/technical approach

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